Friday, August 2, 2013

Were not crazy.

God is already blessing our Both Hands project beyond what we imagined.
We have 22 families on our team and we know it will an amazing time of service.
I want to start a small series of post about being an adoptive mom who is waiting for her kids.
I get so many comments, some are loving and kind and some are not so much.
I want you guys to know what we go through as moms waiting for our kids.
I got this idea from another mom who just blogged about this subject. 
She had so many great things to say but I did not agree with all of them here is my take on it.
Day 1
Were not crazy....were adopting.
I know at times we seem over-emotion, over-bearing, and a little pushy about the subject of adoption.  We are not nuts and do not think that everyone should adopt...we are passionate and need somewhere to put our extra time while we wait for our kids.  Being advocates for adoption is just one place where we can put our time and efforts.  We may seem chaotic at times but adoption requires so much paperwork, we could fund a Small printing company.  Imagine a trip to the DMV...then multiply it by ten, add a few different U.S. government agencies multiplied by two different countries and what do you get....a confusing mess!  WELCOME TO ADOPTION!  Telling us were crazy for adopting does not help.  Asking us,"why don't you just have your own?" is not kind.  Telling us that we should adopt from a different country because its "easier" will not make us change our mind and certainly will not make us any less crazy.  We adopt because God called us to adoption.  This journey is very joyful but painful at the same time.  If we seem crazy...well we might be a little should go away after our kids are home.


  1. Gavin and Rachel: I think what you are doing is awesome and anyone who thinks otherwise is crazy themselves! I admire you both!

  2. People actually tell you that you are crazy for adopting?? How rude. They must not understand the calling you have from the Lord. And that is sad for them.
    Asking why you don't have your own, I would think is just being curious. I am sure their are many reason's people adopt rather than have their own, and maybe these people who ask you are just curious? And don't know how to ask you tackfully?
    Telling you to do it the easy from another country...well...that's not their business, unless again they are curious as to your decision. So that could be an opportunity to share how God has called you to adoption, and how God is working in your lives.(actually all three questions could show them this.) Maybe they don't know what it is to know the Lord the way you do. So that is an opportunity for ministry, while you are waiting for your children. And that's always a wonderful thing! Even a part of the journey God has you on!
    I think it is so great that you blog from an adopting mom's point of view.
    As you have shown there are many who have questions, and i'm sure many who are thinking about adopting and you can shed light on it as you go thru your journey.

    Truly wonderful!! Who knows how many people you may reach for the kingdom of God while you are waiting for your precious children.

    1. Thanks for the kind words. We are rarely offended by peoples comments and love the opportunity to share God's love!


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