Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I am waiting on you Jesus....

I know you all have probably heard the song "While I'm Waiting" by John Waller.  I know I have heard it about a million times and LOVE it every time.  It always gives me a sense of security in who my Jesus is!  It makes me feel like with Him at my side I can do anything.
I know that I already have victory of the sin of complaining and waiting impatiently.  I know that I have victory over the sin of having my own little pity party because things have not always gone how I think is best.  This song always reminds me to claim those victories!
"I will move ahead bold and confident, taking every step in obedience."
"While I'm waiting, I will serve you."
Those are powerful words of a warrior for Christ!
Another reason I love this song so much is that it completely describes how I am feeling about this wait in the first verse.  Sometimes I don't even know how to tell you how I feel.  There are so many emotions and I am just too human to process them all accurately.  This song reminds me that God knows exactly how I feel and he has felt the same things.  He is the keeper of my tears and the reason for my joy!
"I am waiting on you Lord, and I am hopeful
I'm waiting on you Lord, though it is painful
but patiently, I will wait"
Nothing about that phrase is natural....it is all about the supernatural!

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