Saturday, August 24, 2013

No airplane for Irelyn.

As you all know, we have been struggling with an important decision.
Should we take Irelyn with us?  Should we not?
Our agency told us a few days ago that there is a good chance we will be traveling 3-4 weeks.
They also told us that unless our child is 13 or older, she will not be traveling with us.
For the most part it is for safety reasons.
Congo is a third world country and it will be difficult to keep us healthy let alone three children.
Our Congolese kiddos will be used the the stomach bugs and the ringworm.
Irelyn's little body had never experience such things and would most likely be miserable for most of the trip.  Staying in Congo is HARD.  It is hot, uncomfortable, there is not hot water, and strange food.  The bottom line is, Irelyn will be much less traumatized staying at home in the comfort of her mima and papa's house.
On the other hand.  Isryelle and Boaz will need some serious bonding time.  We will be dealing with illnesses, potty training, tantrums, and grieving toddlers.  It will be an easier transition for them if we are able to give them our full attention without having to juggle Irelyns VERY jealous tendencies.
So there you have it!
We will be heart broken to leave her and most likely I will cry daily because I miss her so much.
Gavin and I have been praying about this issue and God gave us a clear answer....we are so thankful for that!  We KNOW that this is HIS best for us and are not worried a bit.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, from the perspective of a Momma in Congo now with her kiddo I think this is a wise decision. I can tell you that I've my fair share of health problems so if you were to have Irelyn here and you were sick plus going through what your other two will be going through is would be very difficult. I've been sick a fair bit and Elizee had malaria and I need all my strength just to cope with what she's processing. I don't have any children at home but as hard as this time here has been it's also been beautiful and it won't be the same once we get home and she changes in big and little ways in her new environment. I am sure you will miss Irelyn very much but hope that you will find peace knowing she is safe and healthy. And not fussing because she doesn't like fufu and salted fish and bush meat ;)


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