Friday, December 6, 2013

Travel is Paid for!

We got a huge blessing last week!
It took me way to long to post about this but I felt like it deserved its own post.
Among all of the other Thanksgiving blessing we got, someone decided they wanted to pay our travel expenses for when we go to Congo.
That right...$10,000!
I must say it is shocking to see someone so selflessly and generously give of their money to help out us and our kids.
Every single time someone prays, gives an encouraging word, or donated money for our children
we are truly touched.
Thank you so much to this anonymous donor who really gave us one of the best Christmas presents we could ask for.


  1. That's so awesome! Rejoicing with you for this blessing! God is faithful. One big step closer to your sweet son and daughter in Congo.

  2. praise God for His wonderful people with such giving hearts...may their hearts rejoice as they see the fruits of their ministry..


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