Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Number Is Going Down

I am happy to tell you that although we do still have a long ways to go as far as fundraising goes, the number is going down.  We got a generous check from another adoptive family that we have been talking to.  We now need only $10,500 to get our dossier submitted!  Praise God!  We appreciate everyone who has pitched in to help us get to where we are in the process.  We really could not do it if you didn't let God use you to help us.  I can not wait for the day when our adoption is complete and we can  help other families financially who are adopting.  What a blessing to help bring a child into a Christ loving home!  If you have not done the math, people have donated about $1500 in the past three weeks.  God is moving!

Things on the adoption front are slow but steady.  We are still waiting for our fingerprints.  We are told these can take quite a while to come in but we are hoping that they will be here in less than four weeks now.  We are waiting to hear from our family coordinator with A Love Beyond Borders to get our dossier with them started.  We should still be able to use about 80% of what we have already done so it should go relatively fast.  We are not in a hurry as it will all happen in God's timing.

We are praising God that the money is coming in.  We are so thankful for His faithfulness even though we do not even come close to deserving it.  We are thankful for the comfort of His word and how he reminds us daily that this IS His plan for our lives and He is taking care of it.  We are thankful for our wonderful case worker who supports us and works so hard to make sure everything gets done in a timely manner.

Prayer Needed
We of course need continued prayer for God's perfect timing with our finances.  We pray that we will lean on him even when things seem like a little too much to handle.  We need prayer for support.  Not just financial, but also emotional.  It gets discouraging when people are negative about our situation.  We pray that God gives us the right words to say to explain why we are adopting without provoking a negative reaction.

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