Thursday, January 3, 2013

My Word

This is the first time I have heard of picking a word for the new year.  I have been reading others blogs and have seen all of their words and I just love the idea!  In case you are not familiar, a word is just something to help remind me who I want to be and what I want to do in 2013.  It will help keep me on track and making a difference for God's kingdom.

Yesterday I was reading Fields of the Fatherless for the 3rd time and I came across James 2:17.

Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

What a beautiful picture of who God wants us to be.  He wants us to perform works!  Faith without deeds is dead!  What good is it to say to someone who is starving "depart in peace, be warm and filled" but do nothing.

Luke 3:11
The man with two tunics should share with him who has none, and the one who has food should do the same.

How many of us have two coats?  Two cars?  Two of almost everything?  I know that I have more than I need and God has blessed us enormously and we are very thankful.  He did not bless us so that we can sit in comfort while more than half of the worlds population lives on less than $1 a day.

My word is WORKS.  I know that for my entire life I have been someone of faith.  Someone who knew Christ as my personal savior and prayed for the least of these once in a while.  This year I am going to SHOW them Jesus.  I am going to act on the behalf of the widows, orphans, and strangers.

I hope you all had a wonderful new year!


  1. What a great idea to pick a word for the year! I'm gonna pray on that and read the word and see what God speaks to me. How exciting!!

    This past year I have been working on, with God's help, reaching out to people on a daily basis, where ever I am. Looking for people to smile at, or just say Hello and something encouraging to them. I have gotten so many amazing reactions from people and been so blessed by the Lord. I am so thankful to God I be God's hand extended. ( I now really know what that means. :-) Too many to exciting days to share, But one I had today...It was so amazing to feel God put me in the place at just his timing to minister to an older man. He was in one area getting admitted for a heart propblem,waiting sitting in his wheel chair. His wife was in the ER for seazures. The man had waved down a friend he knew and asked them to pray for him, that he wasn't going to let them operate and wanted God's will to be done in he and his wife's lives. The whole time I was saying to myself ...pray for him, pray for him...he's just begging for it, but the couple, didn't pray. So I said, okay God, what do you want me to do here. Do I approach this man and his son here in the registration area? God do you want me to go over and pray with this stanger and his wife and son? I got up and told the man I had over heard that he wanted prayer and the man said can you ask ask for God's will? for both me AND my wife? I said absolutley, I went ahead and prayed for this precious man... I said yes sir... as his son was pushing him in the wheel Chair. The son and the man were so thankful, I prayed as he wanted. The son didn't seem to know the Lord, but he was so very very thankful. He had been running back and forth between the er for his mom, and registration for his dad.

    I do not in anyway think yea me...I was so completely humbled blessed that God would use me to give them a smile, a touch and pray for and with them, give them the knowledge that someone WAS praying for them for them.

    It's so so exciting, I just can't wait for the next time, and pray that I will be open to hear God's voice 24/7. YeY God!!

    So when you wrote widows, orphans, and strangers...I was prompted to share my blessing with you today!!

    God is so good! What a Great God we serve!!

    We are Continuing to pray for you both daily, for Irelyn and for your babies. (Landon says e- pea-o-pea!! when he prays!!) Children are such gifts from God!! Love, AC <3

    1. Thank you for sharing this! It is encouraging to hear other peoples encounters with God!

  2. Hey Rachel...this is Trisha case this posts as from "anonymous" ... I too was touched by your post and also from the testimony from the first commenter...I just went this morning to the orientation class for the hospital visiting ministry and Brad's comments were just along the same lines as your thoughtful indeed without works is dead. Also Ephesians 2:10...we were created in Christ Jesus to do good works, that He prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. And of course Matthew 25:31-41...excellent passage! So when you pray for the Holy Spirit to show you opportunities to do good works as a humble servant, we are being obedient to our Lord and blessing others...for HIS glory and our (and others') good. Continuing to pray for you all and the adoption. Love you!

    1. I am so glad that you are able to be part of that ministry. What a blessing it will be to those people in those hospital as well as to you. Thank you for always being so supportive! It means so much to us!


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