Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The desire of MY heart.

I  have a hard time understanding why God would ever give me the desires of my heart.  I mean he is so gracious and loving and all of His gifts are perfect.  I am sinful and deserve death.  It does not make sense that God would care so much about the little details of our lives that he would give us the desires of our hearts.  Yet he does! 

Over and over again, God has given something that I have wanted...not needed....wanted.  Why?  Because he loves us that much!

 Why would I even bother to ask for what I want?  God has His plan laid out in front of Him.  He knows exactly what we are going to do in our lives. 

I ask myself all of these questions when it comes to this adoption.  We have chosen to not specify the gender of the kids or to specify if they are blood related.  Of course I have desires, I know what I want...but I also know that I want what God wants.  What God wants will ultimately be what comes up on our referral.  We don't want to limit God in any way during this adoption process.  We want Him to surprise us, challenge us, and direct us.

Here are a couple scriptures:
Psalm 37:4   Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Matthew 21:22 And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.

So here you go!  Straight from God's Word.  It is okay to have long as your attitude when the your desires are different from God's desires is Christ honoring.  God wants us to tell Him what we want.  He wants us to pray about everything.  But we need to have faith that God is God and that He know far more than we know and that He is always right!  So if he doesn't give us what we pray for that is okay.

Someone asked me today if we heard anything about our referral.  You know what I said?  I said not yet but I don't mind waiting for the right kids,  God doesn't have our kids ready yet.  What?!?!  I actually meant it that too.  It surprised me to hear those words coming out of my mouth.  Honestly I have been so impatient with this process.  Patient Rachel is a new thing...God has changed my heart once again...and I am loving it!

P.S. Watch for the "hint" to our surprise tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE those two verses!! I thank God for his promises!! What an awesome God He is. He never leaves us without His awesome word to lead the way and help us thru every minute of every process or situation. I am SO excited for all you are learning Rachel. Thank you for sharing it with us all. It just confirms it that much more in our hearts, I should say my heart, as there is always something that God is teaching me and/ or having me wait for. So PRAISE GOD!! My God is using my precious niece's life to touch other's lives as she and her husband have been faithful to Him. How TOTALLY AWESOME....!!! i'M so excited about the babies too can you tell? We are praying along with you all for just the babies God has for you, at the right time and place and everything!! Yay God!! You are so amazing!! Thank you for blessing Rachel, Gavin, Irelyn, their new babies and all who are touched by them in their adoption process....Please be with them now that the time is getting closer. I pray the babies will have an easy time of transition and getting from Ethiopia to Arizona. Give Rach, and Gavin complete peace that only comes from you. Give them all health and traveling mercies. Thank you Lord, We Bless you and Thank you for your great Love and work you are doing in the Pehl's family, IN Jesus Name Amen.


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