Saturday, February 4, 2012


I was watching a movie about Ethiopian adoption last night.  I was watching a beautiful scene of two parents seeing their child for the first time.  I could not seem to concentrate on this beautiful scene...all I could see was the kids in the background watching this new family with longing for their own family.  As I cried my eyes out at the computer I decided that we can not just adopt one child.

So Gavin and I talked to decided to be open to adopting a sibling pair and possibly a sibling group.  Sibling groups are actually considered special needs in Ethiopia because they are hard to find families for.  I always thought it would be neat to get more than one child at the same time but such a challenge.  It seems so much easier to get one that is younger than Irelyn so it would be a more normal family dynamic.  Then God reminded me that this is not about what I want.  It is not about what is easiest.  It is about giving the fatherless a home. Yes it will be a challenge and It will be VERY expensive but God will provide every step of the way.  He will provide the funds.  He will provide all of the skills we need to parents children that are older than Irelyn.  He has given us peace that this is his plan for us.

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