Friday, February 3, 2012

Labor Pains and Paper Pains

I thought it would be fun to put this picture up since it is super bowl weekend.  Gavin and I are actually going for a hike this Sunday.  We seriously need a day to just get away from all the adoption stuff and clear our heads.  We have a lot done but still have a lot more to do.  We only have a few things left to accomplish for our application.  I am hoping to have it complete in about two weeks.  We are still waiting on our tax forms to come back to us.  We are also waiting for our blood work to get to our doctor.  Neither of us have started on our ten page autobiographies. All in due time I suppose.

We spent some time watching movies on youtube of families who have adopted from Ethiopia.  We got to see some really neat footage of Ethiopia as well as the orphans in Ethiopia.  What an amazing blessing these parents have in these children.  They are so full of joy despite their circumstances.  God says to have "faith like a child."  I can see why when I watch these little kids go to their new families.  Watching the videos has really got us exited to move on to the next step.  If we can just get through all this paperwork!

My mother-in-law said something that really encouraged me yesterday.  She reminded me of when I was in labor with my daughter Irelyn.  I had a natural birth at home and loved it!  She reminded me of how every contraction brought me closer to meeting my little girl and how I found strength and endurance in that.  She told me that every form I fill out and every phone call I make is like a contraction, bringing me one step closer to my son.  I love thinking of it like that!  This part may be painful and I am sure playing the waiting game for a child referral will be painful as well.  But pretty soon God will bring me a little boy to call my own and it will all be worth it.  Praise God for these special people he puts in my life who do not even know how much of an encouragement they really are.

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