Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Tick Tock

Time seems to be moving at a glacial pace lately. I am soooo ready for Penelope to be here. I am starting to feel slightly impatient but am trying to keep my cool.  "K" will be 36 weeks on Saturday. Her other babies were born at about 36 weeks. She also has a condition that causes her to have too much amniotic fluid in her uterus which can also cause early labor. So basically we are being told to plan for an early baby and I am trying my hardest to not get my hopes up. She could just decide to stay in there all the way up to forty weeks.  Only God knows and I don't want to be disappointed if she does not come in the next couple weeks.

It's crazy to think how long we have been waiting for our adopted children to join our family. You would think another 3-4 weeks would be nothing but it feels like an eternity!  I have finally let myself get over-the-top excited for this baby to be in my arms and can not wait to experience this amazing blessing from God. I keep going over in my head what I think it's going to be like to drive down to Phoenix and meet our daughter. What an amazing experience to walk this path with my amazing husband and this sweet birth mom who will soon become an important part of our family. The future is certainly looking bright for the Pehl family. The Lord has indeed blessed us!

On the Congo front, it's still looking like there is positive movement towards getting our kids home. It is difficult to give out a timeline just yet but The Lord is moving on behalf of the orphaned children in the Congo!

1 comment:

  1. Sending you a link to a very interesting and informative blog. If you have not seen it, it is very fair and balanced concerning adoption ethics. It could also offer an oportunity to help the DRC situation in new ways.


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