Saturday, July 19, 2014

God IS Faithful

There have been a lot of heartbreaking things that have happened during this adoption process.
I am sure that we have yet to experience all of the heart break that adoption can cause.
The thing that hearts the heart the most,
The one thing that I just can't accept,
is the people who have decided against adoption because of our difficult journey.
There are not many, but there are some, who were thinking about or planning on adoption.
After seeing us lose tons of money and go through what I can only explain as emotional chaos, they have decided adoption is not for them.
I feel as if I have failed in some area.
I feel like I have whined and complained far too much.
I feel like there is something I should have done differently.
Because this journey we have been on has been nothing short of a life changing miracle.
I would not trade the journey for 100 adopted kids.
The man and woman who started an adoption from Ethiopia 2 1/2 years ago are long gone.
They have been replaced by braver, more faithful, more Godly people.
This journey has been full of more agonizing waiting and bad news than I could have thought I could survive.
The Lord is soooo good!
He has drawn us close to Him.
He has shown us how to REALLY persevere.
He has shown us how to TRUST.
He has shown us how to LOVE.
We have never felt him so powerfully blessing our lives as we have since we started adopting.
There is so much JOY when Jesus is living in you.
It does not matter how much this world tries to bring us down.
We feel happy when we feel the Lord holding us up.
So yes...
We have experienced more heart ache than we ever thought we could handle.
But we have also felt more JOY than we ever thought could exist.

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